What to do if cyanuric acid(CYA) is too high?

In the scorching heat of summer, pools become a sanctuary for beating the heat. However, maintaining clear and hygienic pool water is no easy task. In this regard, cyanuric acid (CYA) plays an indispensable role as a crucial chemical indicator.

What exactly is CYA?

First and foremost, we need to understand that CYA is a Chlorine stabilizer that serves as a “protector” for chlorine. In pools, chlorine is a common disinfectant that eliminates bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms, ensuring the health of swimmers. However, chlorine is prone to degradation when exposed to ultraviolet light, losing its disinfecting effectiveness (Chlorine in a swimming pool exposed to sunlight will lose 90% of its content within 2 hours.). CYA acts as a shield, safeguarding chlorine from UV degradation and allowing it to maintain stability and longevity in water. This stability is vital for the long-term maintenance of pool water quality.

Apart from protecting chlorine, CYA also has the role of mitigating the irritant effects of chlorine. Excessive chlorine levels in pools may irritate the eyes, skin, and respiratory tract of swimmers, causing discomfort. The presence of CYA can alleviate the irritant effects of chlorine, providing a more comfortable environment for swimmers.

Consequences of high CYA level

However, when CYA levels are excessively high, it can lead to a host of problems. Firstly, high CYA levels require more chlorine to maintain water quality, increasing maintenance costs and potentially causing discomfort to swimmers. Secondly, high CYA levels may also affect the normal operation of pool equipment, such as filters and heaters. Therefore, maintaining a balanced level of CYA is crucial.

How can we effectively lower CYA levels in pools?

The only proven method to significantly reduce CYA in pools is through partial drainage and replenishment with fresh water. While there may be biological products claiming to lower CYA concentrations on the market, their overall effectiveness is limited and not easy to use. Therefore, when faced with excessively high CYA levels, the best course of action is partial drainage followed by the addition of fresh water.

To ensure the health and safety of pool water, we also need to pay attention to other relevant indicators, such as free chlorine (FC) levels. When CYA levels are high, the required FC levels must also be within the recommended range to ensure swimming safety. This is because the higher the CYA, the more chlorine is required. To control chlorine levels and maintain water quality stability, drainage operations are recommended when CYA exceeds a certain level.

Additionally, to maintain the health and safety of pool water, regular water quality testing and adjustments are necessary. This includes testing CYA, FC, and other indicators levels, and taking appropriate actions accordingly. Furthermore, the prudent use of stabilized chlorine as a chlorine source should be exercised to avoid excessive use leading to high CYA levels.

Post time: Aug-30-2024