Concentration and time control of NaDCC solution preparation

SDIC solution preparation

NaDCC (sodium dichloroisocyanurate) is a highly effective disinfectant and is widely used in swimming pools, medical treatment, food, environment and other fields. Sodium dichloroisocyanurate is widely used due to its strong oxidizing properties and long action time.


Sodium dichloroisocyanurate dissolves in water to generate hypochlorous acid. Hypochlorous acid is an important disinfectant. The disinfection effect of NaDCC is closely related to the concentration of hypochlorous acid in the solution. Generally speaking, the higher the concentration, the stronger the bactericidal effect, but too high a concentration may cause corrosion to the surface of objects and harm human health. Therefore, choosing the right concentration is the key to ensuring the disinfection effect.


Therefore, when using sodium dichloroisocyanurate, the concentration of the solution to be configured should be considered. The concentration of NaDCC solution should be determinated by the following factors:

Objects of disinfection: Different objects have different properities. For example, the effective chlorine concentration required for disinfection of bacteria and viruses may be different, and the effective chlorine concentration required for disinfection of medical devices and environmental surfaces may also be different.

Pollution degree: The higher the pollution degree, the higher the NaDCC concentration required.

Disinfection time: When the concentration is low, the same sterilization effect can be achieved by extending the disinfection time.


In general, the concentration (free chlorine) range of NaDCC solution is:

Low concentration: 100-200 ppm, used for general surface disinfection of objects.

Medium concentration: 500-1000 ppm, used for disinfection of medical devices.

High concentration: up to 5000 ppm, used for high-level disinfection, such as disinfection of surgical instruments.


Time control of SDIC Solution

The higher the concentration, the shorter the action time can be; conversely, the lower the concentration, the longer the action time needs to be.

Of course, the object to be disinfected must also be considered. Different microorganisms have different sensitivities to disinfectants and different action times.

And the temperature will also affect the disinfection effect. The higher the temperature, the better the disinfection effect and the shorter the action time.

pH value will also affect the disinfection effect. Generally, the disinfection effect is better in a neutral or slightly alkaline environment.


Under normal circumstances, the action time of NaDCC solution is:

Low concentration: 10-30 minutes.

Medium concentration: 5-15 minutes.

High concentration: 1-5 minutes.


Factors affecting the disinfection effect of sodium dichloroisocyanurate

Water temperature: The higher the temperature, the better the disinfection effect and the shorter the action time.

Water quality: Organic and inorganic matter in water will affect the disinfection effect.

Microbial species and quantity: Different microorganisms have different sensitivities to disinfectants. The more they are, the longer the action time.

Nitrogen pollutant content: Nitrogen-containing pollutants such as ammonia react with chlorine to form N-Cl bonds, thereby inhibiting the bactericidal effect of chlorine.

pH value: The higher the pH value, the greater the degree of HOCl ionization, so the bactericidal effect will be greatly reduced.



NaDCC Solution Precautions

Preparation: When preparing NaDCC solution, it should be strictly followed in accordance with the product instructions to avoid excessive or low concentrations.

Soaking: When disinfecting, make sure that the object is completely immersed in the disinfectant.

Rinse: After disinfection, rinse thoroughly with clean water to remove residual disinfectant.

Ventilation: When using NaDCC, pay attention to ventilation to avoid inhaling the gas produced by the disinfectant.

Protection: Wear protective equipment such as gloves and masks during operation.


The concentration and time of use of NaDCC should be adjusted according to the specific situation, and there is no fixed standard. When using NaDCC, read the product manual carefully and follow the relevant operating procedures to ensure the disinfection effect and safety. Sodium dichloroisocyanurate is a highly oxidizing disinfectant. In addition to being used directly for disinfection, it will also be made into small-gram disinfection effervescent tablets or added to the formula to make fumigants to play its wider disinfection application.

Post time: Oct-14-2024