Keep your pool water clean and clear all winter

Maintaining a private pool during the winter requires extra care to ensure it remains in good conditions. There are some tips to help you keep your pool well maintained during the winter:

Clean swimming pool

First, submit a water sample to the relevant agency to balance the pool water according to expert recommendations. Secondly, it is best to enter the winter before the leaf fall season and remove all debris, bugs, pine needles, etc. Remove leaves, bugs, pine needles, etc. from the pool water and scrub the pool walls and liner. Empty the skimmer and pump collectors. Next, you need to clean the filter, using filter cleaner if necessary. It is also necessary to shock the pool water and allow the pump to run for several hours to evenly disperse the product into the pool water.

Add chemicals

Add algaecide and antiscalant (Be careful with these chemicals – chlorine, alkali and algaecide are all in high concentration as it takes many months). For biguanide systems, increase the biguanide disinfectant concentration to 50mg/L, add a starting dose of algaecide and a maintenance dose of oxidizer. Then let the pump run for 8-12 hours to evenly disperse the product into the pool water.

At the same time, use antifreeze algaecide and disinfectant to prevent the growth of algae and bacteria in the pool water. Please follow the dosage and usage instructions on the product label for specific use.

Balance water chemistry

Test the water and make sure its pH, alkalinity and calcium levels are balanced. This will help prevent any winter damage to your pool surface and equipment.

Lower water level

Lower the water level in the pool to a few inches below the skimmer. This helps protect the skimmer and prevent any potential freeze damage.

Removing and storing pool accessories

Remove all removable pool accessories such as ladders, diving boards and skimmer baskets. Clean them and store them in a dry and safe place for the winter.

Swimming pool management

Invest in a quality pool cover to keep debris out and minimize water evaporation. Covers also help maintain water temperature and reduce algae growth. Additionally, even in the winter, it’s important to check your pool occasionally. Check the cover for any damage and make sure it is securely fastened. Remove any debris that may have accumulated on the lid.

If you live in an area with freezing temperatures, it’s important to winterize your pool equipment. This includes draining water from filters, pumps and heaters and preventing them from freezing.

By following these winter maintenance tips, you can ensure that your private pool stays in good condition and is ready for use when the weather warms up.

Post time: Apr-23-2024