Is Trichloroisocyanuric acid safe?

Trichloroisocyanuric acid, also known as TCCA, is commonly used to disinfect swimming pools and spas. Disinfection of swimming pools and spa water is related to human health, and safety is a key consideration when using chemical disinfectants. TCCA has been proven to be safe in many aspects such as chemical properties, usage methods, toxicological studies, and safety in practical applications.

Chemically stable and safe

The chemical formula of TCCA is C3Cl3N3O3. It is a stable compound that does not decompose or produce harmful by-products under normal environmental conditions. After two years of storage, the available chlorine content of TCCA dropped by less than 1% while bleaching water loses most of its available chlorine content in months. This high stability also makes it easier to store and transport.

Usage level

TCCA is usually used as a kind of water disinfectant whose application is simple and safe. Although TCCA has low solubility, there is no need to dissolve it for dosing.Because TCCA tablets can be placed in floaters or feeders and TCCA powder can be directly put into the swimming pool water.

Low toxicity and low harm

TCCA is safe for water treatment. Because TCCA is non-volatile, you can reduce the risks to the human body and the environment during use by following the correct usage methods and precautions. The two most important points are: always handle products in well-ventilated areas, and never mix TCCA with other chemicals. Therefore, in practical applications, swimming pool managers should strictly control the concentration and use time of TCCA.

Practice proves

The safety of TCCA in practical applications is also an important basis to prove its safety. The use of TCCA for disinfection and cleaning in swimming pools, public toilets, and other places has been widely used with good results. In these areas, TCCA can effectively kill bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms, create clear and safe water quality, and protect public health. Compared with traditional chlorinating agents such as liquid chlorine and bleaching powder, it has high effective chlorine content and excellent stability and its tablet can release active chlorine at a constant rate to disinfect in several days without manual intervention. It is an ideal choice for disinfection of swimming pool waters and other water.


Correct use of TCCA is critical for safety, please follow the manufacturer’s instructions and expert advice for using. Specifically, when using TCCA to disinfect pool hydration and spa water, you should regularly monitor the concentration of chlorine and record the relevant data. This helps to detect potential safety hazards in time and take appropriate measures. In addition, it should be remembered that TCCA should not be mixed with other disinfectants, cleaning agents, etc. to prevent the production of toxic or corrosive by-products that may harm the human body. As far as the place of use is concerned, the place where TCCA is used should regularly check whether the equipment is in good condition to ensure that there is no leakage or damage. Employees who use TCCA should receive regular safety training to understand the correct usage and emergency measures.

If the residual chlorine concentration in the swimming pool is normal, but there is still a chlorine smell and algae breeding, you need to use SDIC or CHC for shock treatment.


Post time: Apr-29-2024