How to store SDIC chemical to ensure its effectiveness?

SDIC is a chemical agent widely used in water treatment. Stockpiling SDIC chemicals to ensure their effectiveness is an important task.

First, understanding the chemistry of SDIC is key. SDIC is an organic compound, so it needs to be avoided mixed with substances such as strong oxidants, strong reducing agents, or strong acids and bases. This prevents chemical reactions that cause the SDIC to decompose or deteriorate.

Secondly, it is important to choose the appropriate storage container. Dedicated, dry, and clean containers should be used to store SDIC. The container should be airtight and have a waterproof and leak-proof lid. This prevents moisture, oxygen, and other contaminants from entering the container, thus maintaining the purity and effectiveness of the SDIC.

It is also important to control temperature and humidity during storage. SDIC should be stored in a cold, dry environment to avoid loss of active cholrine. High temperatures can affect the stability of the SDIC, so it should be stored in a place with a moderate temperature. At the same time, too high humidity may cause SDIC to absorb moisture, so it should be placed in a relatively dry environment.

In addition, it is necessary to avoid light. SDIC should be stored in a cool place away from direct sunlight. Prolonged exposure to sunlight may cause oxidation and decomposition of SDIC. Therefore, SDIC are expected to be stored in a dark place or in a blackout container.

Finally, it is also necessary to follow proper access and storage procedures. Hands should be washed and appropriate personal protective equipment should be worn before using SDIC. Wear protective gloves and glasses and avoid direct contact with SDIC’. Immediately after use, the container should be sealed and stored back in the appropriate container. At the same time, regularly inspect the storage container for damage or leakage, and deal with any issues in a timely manner.

In summary, in order to ensure the effectiveness of SDIC, a series of storage measures need to be put in place. This includes understanding its chemical properties, choosing appropriate storage containers, controlling temperature and humidity, avoiding light, and following proper access and storage procedures. Through these measures, we can ensure the stability and effectiveness of SDIC so that they can be used to the fullest extent when needed.


Post time: May-24-2024