Application of Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate in fruit preservation

Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate (SDIC) is a highly effective chlorine disinfectant, which is often used in swimming pool water treatment, drinking water disinfection and industrial sterilization. It has a highly effective sterilization ability. With the in-depth study of SDIC, it is now widely used in fruit preservation. Its main working principle is to kill microorganisms on the surface of fruits and in the surrounding environment by releasing chlorine, thereby inhibiting decay and extending the shelf life.

Mechanism of action of SDIC in fruit preservation

The key to fruit preservation is to control the growth of microorganisms, reduce the infection of pathogens, and prevent corruption caused by oxidation reactions. Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate has excellent effects in these aspects:

Sterilization and disinfection: The chlorine released by SDIC is highly oxidizing. It can release hypochlorous acid in a short time. It can quickly destroy the cell membrane structure of microorganisms and effectively kill bacteria, molds, yeasts and other microorganisms, thereby inhibiting fruit decay.

Inhibition of respiration: Chlorine can inhibit the respiration of fruits, reduce their demand for oxygen, thereby reducing the production of metabolites and delaying aging.

Inhibition of ethylene production: Ethylene is a plant hormone that can promote the ripening and aging of fruits. SDIC can inhibit the production of ethylene, thereby delaying the ripening of fruits.

Specific application of SDIC in fruit preservation

Fruit cleaning and disinfection: After the fruit is picked, the SDIC solution is used for cleaning and disinfection to remove pathogens and pesticide residues on the fruit surface and extend the shelf life.

Storage environment disinfection: Spraying the SDIC solution in the storage environment can effectively kill microorganisms in the air and reduce the decay rate.

Packaging material disinfection: Disinfecting packaging materials with SDIC solution can prevent secondary contamination of microorganisms.

Application cases of Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate in different fruits

Citrus fruits: Citrus fruits are extremely susceptible to fungal infection after picking, especially penicillium and green mold, which can cause the fruit to rot quickly. Experiments show that the fungal infection rate of citrus fruits treated with Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate is significantly reduced, and the shelf life is extended by 30%-50%. This technology has been applied in many citrus-growing countries, such as China, Brazil and the United States.

Apples and pears: Apples and pears are fruits with high respiration rates, which are prone to produce ethylene and cause physiological aging after picking. Spraying or soaking with Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate solution can inhibit the production of ethylene and reduce oxidation reactions, thereby effectively delaying the aging process of fruits. Many studies have shown that after treatment with Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate, the storage period of apples and pears can be extended by 2-3 times, and their taste and flavor are basically unaffected.

Berry fruits: Berry fruits such as strawberries, blueberries and raspberries are difficult to preserve because of their thin peels and easy damage. Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate can help these fruits reduce the infection rate of pathogens during storage and transportation, and reduce the rate of corruption by inhibiting enzymatic reactions. Especially in long-distance transportation, the use of Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate can significantly reduce the loss of berries and improve market supply efficiency.

Precautions for Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate in fruit preservation

Concentration control: The concentration of SDIC should be strictly controlled. Too high a concentration will cause damage to the fruit.

Processing time: Too long a processing time will also have adverse effects on the fruit.

Ventilation conditions: When using SDIC, pay attention to ventilation to avoid excessive chlorine concentration.

Residue problem: Pay attention to the residue problem after using SDIC to avoid harm to human health.

Advantages of SDIC in fruit preservation

High-efficiency sterilization: SDIC has a broad-spectrum bactericidal effect and can effectively kill a variety of microorganisms.

Long action time: SDIC can slowly release chlorine in water and has a lasting bactericidal effect.

Strong application flexibility: Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate can be used under various storage and transportation conditions. Whether it is refrigerated or at room temperature, it can play an excellent preservation effect. At the same time, it can be used in combination with other preservation technologies, such as modified atmosphere preservation and cold chain transportation, to further improve the preservation quality of fruits.

Safety and residue control: Compared with other traditional chemical preservatives, the use of Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate is safer and more reliable. Under appropriate concentrations and conditions, its active ingredients can quickly decompose into harmless water and nitrogen compounds.

Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate has significant advantages in fruit preservation, but its use also requires attention to some issues. In practical applications, the appropriate SDIC concentration and treatment method should be selected according to different fruit varieties, storage conditions, and other factors to achieve the best preservation effect.

It should be noted that SDIC is a chemical. During use, you must pay attention to safety and follow the instructions. If you want to know more about the application of Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate in fruit preservation, you can refer to relevant academic papers or consult professionals.

Post time: Sep-19-2024